Show Date: Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Michael Bevilacqua-Linn twitter, blog, surge presentation
Bryan Berry github, twitter, irc: bryanwb, blog: devopsanywhere
- Nathen Harvey github, twitter, irc: nathenharvey, blog
In the News
Berkshelf 0.6.0beta1 is out, includes windows support and easier install. How much easier? It now uses a pure ruby constraint solver, which spares us the pain of having to hand-compile the gecode library. 0.6.0 builds on the 0.5.0 release which had a ton of new features such as
- now uses a built-in vagrant plugin instead of shims
- Cookbooks and their dependencies will now automatically be provided to Vagrant when you boot your virtual machine.
- Vagrant will receive any changes made to cookbooks on any future provision command.
- can use the your Chef API as a soruce location
- Cookbook generator
- and others!
Karel Minarik and Vojtech Hyza gave a “hello cloud” presentation where they demonstrated how to spin up an application cluster that includes a load balancer, 3 application servers, 1 database node, and 2 elasticsearch nodes. The recipes are on github for your browsing pleasure. Provided you have Vagrant and Chef Server setup on your workstation, you should be able to spin up the whole stack just by running
vagrant up
Cloudant labs posted their analyis of Google’s globally distributed datastore known as Spanner. Essentially, it as a datastore that is globally distributed across multiple data centers where each transaction globally consistent. Get that, it is globally consistent, not eventually consistent. They use several techniques to accomplish this but one of the most notable is that they use specialized hardware that includes atomic clocks and GPS on each server.
Derek Collison, one of the past leaders of the cloud foundry project and now CEO of a cloud platform company, tweeted his prediction that Go will become the dominant language for systems work in IaaS, Orchestration, and PaaS in 24 months
Mitchellh reported that the Mac OS X 10.8.2 upgrade totally breaks virtualbox 4.2 and earlier. Luckily Oracle put out Virtualbox 4.2.1 with hotfix for this issue.
The new github launch page which features the command bar is freaking awesome, essentially it gives u a CLI interface to the github site. It comes complete with tab completion, smart filtering, history.
Stop the fork - a new github repo from Patrick Debois. This repo will collect ideas and examples on how structure your configuration management code to avoid forks from happening.
knife-community - A Knife plugin to assist with deploying completed Chef cookbooks to the Community Site. The plugin was created by Mike Fiedler and Joshua Timberman recently wrote up a blog post on the Opscode blog about the plugin.
DevOpsDC recently had an evening of lightning talks on ChefSpec, OpenTSDB, Disaster Porn, and more. Checkout the presentations on the meetup site
The Triangle Devops group met recently to talk about how Bronto software is becoming information rich by collecting production data and analyzing it. Check the show notes for a link to the presentation.
John Allspaw has been putting a lot of thought into automation and has released part one in his series A Mature Role for Automation.
Resilience Engineering: Learning to Embrace Failure - this is an interview with Jesse Robbins, Kripa Krishnan, John Allspaw, and Tom Limoncelli. This is a great article about using Gameday exercises.
Upcoming Meetup Groups and Events
Two new DevOps meetup groups are being formed. One in Minneapolis and one in Miilwaukee.
The Triangle Devops group will meet on October 17 in Raleigh, NC. The topic for the night: Learn About Customer Service for People Who Love The Glow of the Terminal
Cookbook News
There are now more than 600 cookbooks available on the community site!
New Cookbooks
- mysql-admin-tools v0.0.1 - kepes Cookbook for useful MySql admin tools
- sol v0.1.0 - retr0h Installs/Configures sol
- reboot-handler v0.1.1 - retr0h Installs/Configures reboot-handler
- fusioninventory-agent v0.1.0 - ashmere Installs/Configures fusioninventory-agent
- haproxy2 v0.5.7 - demonccc Installs and configures haproxy
- koha v0.0.1 - halcyoncorsair Installs/Configures koha
- heartbeat3 v0.4.2 - demonccc Installs and configures heartbeat
- storm v1.0.23 - tas50 Installs Storm
- pgbadger v0.0.2 - guilhemfr Install pgbadger
- chef_package v0.0.1 - chrisroberts Provides chef_package resources for compile time installs
- udev v0.2.0 - mray Sets udev rules for network configuration.
- dpkg_packages v0.1.2 - demonccc Installs deb packages via attributes or data bag metadata.
- afw v0.0.1 - jvehent Installs/Configures the Advanced FireWall
- aegir v0.1.3 - wik Hosting System for Drupal Sites
- parted v1.0.0 - retr0h Installs/Configures parted
Updated Cookbooks
- webobjects v0.0.3 - rgauss
- chef_gem v0.0.4 - chrisroberts
- annoyances v0.1.0 - mray
- nexus v0.13.0 - reset
- lxc v0.0.2 - chrisroberts
- gozer v0.0.2 - chrisroberts
- dnsmasq v0.0.2 - chrisroberts
- kafka v1.0.11 - tas50
- firefox v1.0.2 - tas50
- ad-auth v1.0.5 - tas50
- datadog v0.1.1 - miketheman
- ghmac v1.3.4 - jtimberman
- glassfish v0.5.6 - peter_donald
- php-fpm v0.2.4 - wik
- omnibus_updater v0.0.4 - chrisroberts
- The Go programming language
- Reflections on Trusting Trust
- Home brewing!
Big Data in the Small: Why N Tier Architectures Are an Antipattern: Download here
Do you have cookbook news that you’d like to share or feedback on the show? Please drop a line to
Be sure to follow @foodfightshow on twitter and to rate us on itunes!